Consider a transfer learning scenario, where we assume access to an offline dataset consisting of interactions with some environments. This dataset assumes that all transitions are collected under the same transition dynamics but it doesn't feature rewards towards any tasks. Can we pre-train reinforcement learning algorithms on such datasets and then quickly adapt to new tasks with novel reward functions but same dynamics?
In this paper, we assume that any reward function r(s, a) can be modeled as a linearly combination of a set of random features, obtained by projection (s, a) with a randomly initialized neural network. The same linear weight can also be used to weigh the accumulated random features to approximate the Q-function as result.
Model-free RL has the problem of transfering to novel tasks because it models the long-term accumulation of one specific reward function in Q-value estimation. RaMP is built on the insight that we can avoid such task dependency if we directly model the long-term accumulation of many random functions of states and actions (treating them as the rewards). Since these random functions of the state and actions are task-agnostic and uninformed of any specific reward function, they simply capture information about the transition dynamics of the environment. However, they do so without actually requiring autoregressive generative modeling as in model-based RL, which incurs compounding error.
At training time, the offline dataset can be used to learn a set of “random” Q-basis functions for different random functions of the state and action. This effectively forms an “implicit model”, as it carries information about how the dynamics propagate, without being tied to any particular reward function. As shown in the figure, we pre-train a neural network to approximate the accumulated random features under a sequence of actions starting from an intial state.
At test time, given a new reward function, we can recombine Q-basis functions to effectively approximate the true reward-specific Q-function under any policy. We can also quickly regress a linear weight for the new test-time reward using the random features and new rewards. The Q-basis combined with this weight gives us an inferred Q-function, which can then be used for planning for the new task with MPC.
We evaluate the ability of RaMP to leverage the knowledge of shared dynamics from an offline dataset to quickly solve new tasks with arbitrary rewards. In particular, as shown in the figure below, we make no assumptions about train/test time task distribution. A test time task may have reward/goal that's completely out of distribution, and RaMP can still adapt quickly unlike goal conditioned RL.
Given this problem setup, we compare RaMP with a variety of baselines. (1) MBPO is a modelbased RL method that learns a standard one-step dynamics model and uses actor-critic methods to plan in the model. We pre-train the dynamics model for MBPO on the offline dataset. (2) PETS is a model-based RL method that learns an ensemble of one-step dynamics models and performs MPC. We pre-train the dynamics model on the offline dataset and use the cross-entropy method (CEM) to plan. (3) Successor feature (SF) is a framework for transfer learning in RL as described in Sec. 1.1. SF typically assumes access to a set of policies towards different goals along with a learned featurization, so we provide it with the privileged dataset to learn a set of training policies. We also learn successor features with the privileged dataset. (4) CQL : As an oracle comparison, we compare with a goal-conditioned variant of an offline RL algorithm (CQL). CQL is a model-free offline RL algorithm that learns policies from offline data. While model-free offline RL naturally struggles to adapt to arbitrarily changing rewards, we provide CQL with information about the goal at both training and testing time. We evaluate RaMP on a variety of manipulation and locomotion tasks in simulation. We show that RaMP can learn to solve tasks with high-dimensional observations and actions, as well as long horizons.
In particular, we evaluate the ability of our method to scale to tasks with longer horizons. We consider locomotion domains such as the Hopper environment from OpenAI Gym. We chose the offline objectives to be a mixture of skills such as standing, sprinting, jumping, or running backward with goals defined as target velocities or heights. The online objectives consist of unseen goal velocities or heights for standing, sprinting, jumping or running. RaMP maintains the highest performance when adapting to novel online objectives, as it avoids compounding errors by directly modeling accumulated random features. MBPO adapts at a slower rate since higher dimensional observation and longer horizons increase the compounding error of model-based methods. We note that SF is performing reasonably well, likely because the method also reduces the compounding error compared to MBPO, and it has privileged information. To understand whether RaMP can scale to higher dimensional state-action spaces, we consider a dexterous manipulation domain referred to as the D’Claw domain in the figure. This domain has a 9 DoF action space controlling each of the joints of the hand as well as a 16-dimensional state space including object position. RaMP consistently outperforms the baselines, and is able to adapt to out-of-distribution goals at test time.
title={Self-Supervised Reinforcement Learning that Transfers using Random Features},
author={Boyuan Chen and Chuning Zhu and Pulkit Agrawal and Kaiqing Zhang and Abhishek Gupta},