History-Guided Video Diffusion

* Equal Contribution

  • 1MIT      2CMU      3Harvard

TL;DR: Diffuse long videos by performing guidance over different histories, enabled by Diffusion Forcing Transformer, a simple finetunable add-on to any existing sequence diffusion models.


Classifier-free guidance (CFG) is a key technique for improving conditional generation in diffusion models, enabling more accurate control while enhancing sample quality. It is natural to extend this technique to video diffusion, which generates video conditioned on a variable number of context frames, collectively referred to as history. However, we find two key challenges to guiding with variable-length history: architectures that only support fixed-size conditioning, and the empirical observation that CFG-style history dropout performs poorly. To address this, we propose the Diffusion Forcing Transformer (DFoT), a video diffusion architecture and theoretically grounded training objective that jointly enable conditioning on a flexible number of history frames. We then introduce History Guidance, a family of guidance methods uniquely enabled by DFoT. We show that its simplest form, vanilla history guidance, already significantly improves video generation quality and temporal consistency. A more advanced method, history guidance across time and frequency further enhances motion dynamics, enables compositional generalization to out-of-distribution history, and can stably roll out extremely long videos.

Five samples generated by Diffusion Forcing Transformer from a single image. The model is trained only on the RealEstate10K dataset but can roll out much longer than prior state-of-the-art methods [1][2]. We highlight samples with challenging motions (e.g. zooming out, large rotation).

Ultra Long Video Generation

Diffusion Forcing Transformer (DFoT) along with History Guidance Across Time and Frequency can stably rollout extremeley long videos, such as the following 862-frame video from a single test image from the RealEstate10K dataset.

Compositionality and Flexibility

DFoT learns the distribution of all sub-sequences than just the full sequence, allowing conditioning on any length history. Temporal History Guidance composes long horizon behavior and local reactive behavior for new capabilities.

We can rollout so long that this generated video is still playing!

Diffusion Forcing Transformer

Can we train a single diffusion model that can perform conditional diffusion with different portions of history - variable lengths, subsets of frames, and even different image-domain frequencies? Built on prior works, Diffusion Forcing Transformer (DFoT) trains video diffusion with different noise levels per frame, leveraging noise as masking to model distributions at sub-sequence level. This achieves flexible history conditioning without changes to existing architectures. One can easily finetune any existing video models into a Diffusion Forcing Transformer to leverage history guidance and significantly boost generation quality! In fact, Adobe already verfied this by finetuning their video foundation model using Diffusion Forcing.

Abilities of teacher forcing, full-sequence diffusion, and Diffusion Forcing.

History Guidance

History Guidance is a family of history-conditioned guidance methods achieved by composing various history-conditioned scores. With the Diffusion Forcing Transformer, obtaining different conditional scores is as simple as masking different portions of the history with noise. We propose several schemes: vanilla history guidance, which enhances consistency; temporal history guidance, which improves compositionality; and frequency guidance, which increases the degree of dynamism.

Abilities of teacher forcing, full-sequence diffusion, and Diffusion Forcing.

Qualitative Comparisons

On standard benchmarks, the Diffusion Forcing Transformer (DFoT) not only matches or surpasses industry closed-source models trained with large-scale compute but also enables long rollouts far beyond the test lengths of these datasets. We can perform rollouts of 60 frames on the Kinetics-600 dataset, compared to the previous benchmark of 11 frames, and at least 276 frames on the RealEstate10K dataset, significantly exceeding the previous limit of around 16 frames.

The figures below present qualitative samples generated by different diffusion methods using the same architecture. Standard Diffusion refers to the conditional diffusion baseline trained for a specific test history length (in contrast to DFoT's support for any history length). Binary Dropout is an ablative baseline that drops out frames during training to allow for flexible history conditioning. Full-sequence Diffusion is the traditional video diffusion method from Ho et al. 2022, which uses reconstruction guidance to enable flexible conditioning.

Samples on Kinetics-600 dataset with a challenging setting of predicting next 60 frames given 5 initial frames.

More samples on Kinetics-600 dataset with a challenging setting of predicting next 60 frames given 5 initial frames.

Samples on RealEstate10K dataset conditioned on the first frame and a camera pose sequence. This task is usually considered much harder than interpolating between two frames, the traditional video generation task on this dataset. In addition, we deliberately choose challenging motions such as big rotations or zooming out, and a big length of 276 frames.

More samples on RealEstate10K dataset conditioned on the first frame and a camera pose sequence. This task is usually considered much harder than interpolating between two frames, the traditional video generation task on this dataset. In addition, we deliberately choose challenging motions such as big rotations or zooming out, and a big length of 276 frames.


  title={History-Guided Video Diffusion}, 
  author={Kiwhan Song and Boyuan Chen and Max Simchowitz and Yilun Du and Russ Tedrake and Vincent Sitzmann},